Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Posted by Hello

Here is an example in the form of where the rubber meets the road. I have decided to begin a serious program of strength training otherwise know as weight lifting, and I can assure you it involves a sizeable leap of faith on my part to engage in this particular practice. What does lifting weights have to do with spiritual growth?
I had a circular saw that I loved, but no longer used, sold it to a friend and used the money to purchase a starter set of dumbbells. I work out at home primarily because of my inclinations toward being a loner, and the fact that financially it is beyond my means for the time being to join a club. I also have taken on the practice of changing my diet. This adventure has been suprisingly painless and I have noticed almost immediate results. The weight training is another story. I am still learning what a lateral fly is as opposed to a one armed row; how many sets to perform with how many reps per set, and how much weight to use for each exercise. There is a learning curve, but I am making slow progress. I follow Framework 4 on p. 239 in Stuart McRobert's book referenced below. And I keep detailed records in his companion volume which I recommend. In addition, for cardiovascular work I walk usually daily for thirty minutes at a moderately brisk pace. I eat six small meals a day, three of the normal type and three liquid shakes. I try to get a least eight hours of sleep each night, and no longer feel guilty it I get more. As described in the above mentioned weight routine, I work out only twice a week for about forty five minutes to an hour at most. I approached this project with naive nonchalance in the beginning, but now have great respect for anyone who succeeds in pulling off such a major life style change as this involves. I am committed and will persevere, but this is the source of my lament from a previous post; this work is HARD!



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