"Behold the eloquence of the spiral. Consider the internal integrity, the elegant architecture. Everything connects to everything else. In your mind's eye picture the beauty of a sea shell; with your mind's eye listen to its roar. Now imagine a Thanksgiving banquet table. Out from the spiraling cornucopia, the mythical horn of plenty , pours the abundance of harvest. Next, think of the night sky. Look out into the cosmos and imagine Earth's place in it, a little hanger-on following one of the billions of swirling spots in the Milky Way, itself a swirling blob among billions."
Spiral Dynamics.
The maps I will be using on my explorations were given to me as a gift. Maps are scarce these days because the new land is virgin and mostly unexplored and unmapped. I am deeply grateful for these priceless pieces of paper with their crucial signs and directions for my journey. The words "thank you" seem most inadequate. Nevertheless, from deep within my heart, mind and soul, thank you to;
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